
5 Warning Signs of Medical Negligence You Can’t Ignore

Medical malpractice is a serious problem and can have devastating consequences. It is important to recognize the warning signs of medical negligence so that you can take action to protect your health and safety.

A good medical professional will listen to you and take your concerns seriously. If a doctor ignores your concerns or dismisses them, this is a red flag that something may be wrong.

1. You Have Unexplained Symptoms

Medical negligence is a major problem that often leaves patients with serious injuries and life-changing consequences. These problems can include loss of income, emotional distress, disability, and an extensive road to recovery.

Fortunately, there are ways to identify when a healthcare provider is acting negligently and can take legal action. The first step is to determine if the provider or facility had a duty of care toward the patient. If the healthcare professional or facility failed in this duty, it could result in malpractice. This failure must have caused the patient to suffer damages in order to have a case for compensation.

Many cases of medical negligence stem from a failure to diagnose an underlying condition, which can be devastating to the health of the patient. If a doctor fails to diagnose a serious illness or injury, it can lead to a delay in treatment and complications, which may even cause death.

A physician’s job is to treat their patients with care and respect. However, some doctors fail to listen to their patients or ignore concerns, which can lead to a lack of follow-up care and exacerbate the symptoms of a disease or surgery.

Infections are another common sign of medical malpractice. If a patient gets an infection in the hospital due to unsanitary conditions or dirty equipment, it can lead to serious complications such as sepsis and even death. Infections are more likely to occur if the hospital is understaffed, which can be another indicator of negligence. It’s important for patients to advocate for themselves and seek a second opinion if they feel something is off with their healthcare provider. A fresh perspective can confirm the diagnosis and give peace of mind or identify a new treatment approach that may be more effective.

2. You Have Unexpected Complications

In some cases, patients experience complications after a medical procedure or treatment, causing damages from medical negligence. While some complications are a normal part of the healing process, others may be a sign that something went wrong. If you notice unexpected or severe complications following a medical procedure, it may be time to seek a second opinion.

Complications can be the result of a variety of issues, including surgical errors and medication mistakes. However, they can also be the result of medical negligence. If a medical error caused your injury or the death of a loved one, you could file a malpractice claim against the healthcare professional responsible.

If you have a concern about your medical care, you should speak to a medical malpractice attorney about your options for seeking compensation. Medical service providers are bound by oath to provide care that meets the standards set by their profession, and failure to do so can constitute medical malpractice.

The most common form of medical negligence is misdiagnosis, which occurs when a doctor incorrectly determines the cause of a patient’s symptoms. This can be a life-threatening issue, especially if the window for successfully treating an illness closes before a correct diagnosis is made.

Another potential indication of medical negligence is unexplained delays in your treatment. If you experience unusual or unexplained delays in test results, starting a new treatment plan, or scheduling surgeries, it is important to discuss your concerns with a malpractice attorney to learn more about your rights and options.

Finally, poor communication between healthcare professionals and patients can be a sign of medical negligence. If your doctor is not listening to your concerns, dismissing them, or failing to respond to any questions, this can lead to misunderstandings about your treatment and medical conditions.

3. You Have a Second Opinion

When a medical professional makes a mistake or fails to follow the standard of care, it could result in severe injuries or death. These errors are sometimes difficult to spot, but there are a few signs that you should be looking for.

A second opinion is usually a good idea for most patients, as it can offer peace of mind or provide confirmation of a diagnosis or treatment plan. However, when a doctor ignores or dismisses a patient’s request for a second opinion, this can be an indication of negligence.

Another red flag is when a healthcare provider refuses to explain the risks and alternatives associated with a procedure. This is a violation of the informed consent process, which requires that patients be fully aware of any possible consequences.

Poor or evasive communication can also be a sign of medical negligence. For example, a physician might give vague or elusive answers to questions about symptoms, treatments and/or outcomes. This may be an attempt to cover up a mistake or misdiagnosis and deter a patient from filing a malpractice lawsuit.

If you believe your doctor has breached their duty of care, it is important to contact a medical malpractice attorney immediately. The team at Keller & Keller has years of experience investigating and litigating medical negligence cases. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We will review your case and advise you on your next steps.

4. You Have a Concern

We hold doctors in high esteem, as they spend their lives dedicated to healing and caring for patients. However, like all humans, they make mistakes from time to time – and those mistakes can have serious health consequences for patients. Medical negligence is a complex issue and one that can have devastating consequences for patients and their families. However, it is important to know the warning signs so that you can take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Misdiagnosis, surgical errors (ranging from operating on the wrong body part to leaving instruments inside post-operation), medication mistakes that can range from an adverse reaction to life-threatening conditions, and birth injuries are all common forms of medical malpractice. Sadly, according to recent studies, medical negligence is the third leading cause of death in the United States and billions of dollars are paid out each year in compensation for victims.

While it may be your instinct to reach out to the doctor or facility that treated you, it is best to avoid any interaction. This could give them the opportunity to cover up the error or it could toll your statute of limitations on filing a claim.

Instead, it is important to document your concerns as thoroughly as possible, including dates, times, details on the issues you are experiencing, and descriptions of how they have impacted your daily life. It is also a good idea to speak with an experienced attorney to discuss your options moving forward.

5. You Have Unusual Treatment

Every patient expects a healthcare professional to treat them with dignity, respect, and confidentiality throughout their treatment journey. When these expectations are not met, it can have life-changing consequences. Medical negligence is a real problem that affects more people than you think. It is important to understand the signs so that you can seek justice and compensation if you have been harmed.

The first step in a malpractice suit is showing that the defendant owed you a duty of care. This is generally based on the fact that the provider or facility where you received treatment had an established patient relationship with you. The next step is proving that they failed to live up to the standard of care. This is usually done by comparing the provider or facility’s actions to what another healthcare professional with similar training and experience would have done in a similar situation.

This failure to live up to the standard of care can take many forms, from misdiagnosis to surgical errors to medication mistakes and birth injuries. It can also include failure to follow up with your concerns or failure to provide you with adequate information about your condition, including alternative treatments and potential risks of treatment.

When it comes to medical negligence, it is critical that you seek a competent attorney as soon as possible. By having the help of an experienced legal team, you can have a much greater chance of getting the compensation that you deserve. You should also begin to gather as much evidence as possible, including all of your medical records, so that you can prove the extent of your harm and what you have lost due to the substandard care that you received.